Our own Data center 


To guarantee continuity and quality of service to its customers, Spider Network has set up a Datacenter whose network architecture is based on the separation and physical independence of its various networks. The topology aims to ensure, on the one hand, maximum security for each network, and on the other hand, to provide high availability of its services and platforms. The network topology represents the three main networks set up and managed at the headquarters of the general manager. The connectivity/cabling of each of the networks is physically separated into three several patch cabinets (24U each).



Hosting and storage authorization 

Within the framework of the decision n ° 48 / SP / PC / ARPT / 17 of 29/11/2017, and In the application of article 39 of the law n° 2000-03 of 05 August 2000 laying down the general rules relating to posting and telecommunications, and the procedures for establishing and operating computerized content storage and hosting services for remote users in the context of so-called cloud computing or Cloud Computing services. As well as in the context of improving these hosting services and ensuring data security as well as being in compliance with Algerian law, Spider network is officially authorized by the Regulatory Authority of Post and Electronic Communications (ARPCE ), Visit the ARPCE website



To facilitate the acquisition of domain names for these clients, Spider Network has become a registrar approved by NIC-Dz (see the authorization in appendix). A registrar is an entity that manages domain names. Registrars are accredited by ICANN or AFNIC which authorizes them to create domain names having previously verified that they are not taken.



Spider Network plans to put in place several developments and improvement strategies, in particular: Decentralize its infrastructure by setting up a network outside the province (in the south) connected to the main site by specialized line Deployment of solar panels as a secondary source of electrical energy. Acquisition of mass storage stations.