For more than10 years, we have invested in our core business by creating our own core called ESMA.ESMA is a development core for web business applications, (Design, development, stylization) of development, management and maintenance of web applications, web mapping, advanced search engines, and dynamic website, completely independent of existing open-source CMS and ERP on the market, ESMA uses several data storage engines (DBMS) Mysql, PostgreSQL ...
ESMA was able to win the prize for "best IT innovation 2013 (Jury favorite)", the official ceremony was organized on September 25, 2013, at the Place of Culture, Algiers. The objective of the 2013 IT innovation Trophies organized during the Med-IT Fair is to encourage the investment of Algerien companies and administrations in information technologies. Spider network participated in the SME / SMI category, with its ESMA platform.