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$60 Month*
For the whole company



$110 Month*
For the whole company



$200 Month*
For the whole company



For the whole company

Contact us

Domain name(.com)
Number of users 2 5 10 >10
Number of clients 200 400 600 > 1000
Number of Quotes 1000 2000 3000 > 5000
Multi-company / Branch - - 2  5
Multi-currency -
Mobile app -
Integrated scan
Integrated MRZ reader
Permissions and roles
Disk space 5GB 12GB 25GB Minimum 50GB
Auto backup / size Weekly / 5Go Weekly / 12GB Weekly / 25GB Daily / M 50GB
Security(is not an option with us) SSL, WAF, Anti DDOS, Antivirus, Antispam SSL, WAF, Anti DDOS, Antivirus, Antispam SSL, WAF, Anti DDOS, Antivirus, Antispam SSL, WAF, Anti DDOS, Antivirus, Antispam
Support TRM** 72h TRM** 48h TRM** 24h TRM** 4h
  CRM Billing
Prospecting by type (call, meeting, ... etc), activities, mailing
Customer / Supplier management
Customer / Supplier management by Country / currency
Blacklisted customers
Confidential clients
Contacts / Accounts management
Offer management 
Quote / Invoicing / OV / DV
Payment management
Order tracking -
Reminder & formal notice -


(Supplier quotes management, OV management, Supplier invoice management, scheduling management, Payment management by type, ...)

Checkout (the management)

(Periodic power management, periodic shutdown ... etc)


(Payment management, withdrawal management ... etc)

Customer situation (customer recap)
expense / revenue book
Customer satisfaction - -
Technical assistance -
Send electronic quotes / invoices directly
Custom document template Logo / Company Info Logo / Company Info Logo / Company Info Customization according to customer
Electronic document management
Notifications and reminders
Key performance indicators (client)
Key performance indicators (Supplier)
  collaborative work
Pro messaging with personalized email addresses
Task management -
Share files
Service Notes
VoIP - - -
Number of employees 275Dzd (2$) month / employee 7 employees 12 employees >12 employee
Recruitment (announcements, processing of files etc ...)
Internal assignment


(remaining request ...)

Absence management
Working time monitoring (clocking)
Administrative positions
Qualifications and skills
Medical check-up
EDM employee
Periodic payroll

Employee portal

(Timesheet, pay slip, request for holiday ... etc) 

- - -
Output states
(Work certificate, holiday certificate, professional card, pay slip ...etc.)
Reports and Analysis
(Age pyramid, distribution of employees, distribution by seniority, alert contracts, salaries, etc.)
(Type of contract, payroll section, type of holiday...etc.)
  Project management
Projects and phases -
Allocation of resources -
Time phase monitoring -
Detailed dashboard -
Gantt chart -
Network diagram -
Kanban diagram -
Team Workload -  
Financial management
(Revenue, expenses, profitability index ... etc)
Number of projects 1300Dzd (10$) month / projetc 2 projetcs 10 projetcs >10 projetc
Periodic expense book
Periodic recipe book
Periodic accounting balance
Balance Revenue / expenditure by type of periodic payment
Periodic accounts receivable book
Periodic accounts payable book
Periodic ledger
Budget forecast - -
Additional Budget (transfer +/-) - -
Periodic administrative account (Result) - -
  Business Intelligent (BI)
Realized turnover
Global charges by nomenclature and by supplier
Income / expenditure book
Commercial efficiency
Receivables and Debt Ratio
Average customer settlement time in days
Comparison between Financial Offer / Commitment / Payment
Financial ratios
Analysis of surveys and activities
(period, types, services ... etc)
Periodic employee reports
detailed report per loss according to function and objectives for collaborators (sales, recovery, etc.)
Customer satisfaction
Ranking of the company according to the satisfaction surveys carried out for each customer
- -
Technical assistance
number of problem solved, average response time ... etc
Company valuation
  Company portal
Dynamic website - - -
Customer / Supplier portal - - -
Employee portal - - -
Personalization of the platform according to the Logo, color, graphic charter of the Client, - - -
Account administration
Double Authentication (Admcard, Mobile..etc) - -
Managing profiles and roles - -
Restrict access by IP address / work schedule
Authorization by region -
Authorization by Clients & Suppliers / confidential customer
Admin Info
Management of the company - -
Management of the organization chart of the company - -
Auto backup Weekly / 5Go Weekly / 12GB Weekly / 25GB Daily / 50GB
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*   Annual subscription. 
** Average response time.